Senin, 20 Juli 2015

Docare Wash Gloves pencegah biang keringat - 085728065344 - wound dressing adhesive tape roll

Docare Wash Gloves pencegah biang keringat

wound dressing adhesive tape roll

Packed in a specially structured box to keep the tape roll clean and make it convenient to extract the tape roll
Made from spun lace non woven with adhesive tape roll
Available in strip coating and full coating for the adhesive
available in 10 x 1000 cm 1 roll/box

Docare Wash Gloves pencegah biang keringat - 085728065344 - wound dressing adhesive tape roll

Dikemas dengan Struktur Khusus seperti kotak akan membuat lebih mudah untuk memotong sesuai panjang yang diinginkan
Terbuat dari bahan spun lace non woven dan adhesive tape roll
tersedia dalam ukuran:
10 x 1000 cm 1 roll/box
Docare Wash Gloves pencegah biang keringat - 085728065344 - wound dressing adhesive tape roll

Hubungi 085728065344
    Pin BB 2294514D
    Jl. Bokor Kencono no 24 Turi Cemani Grogol Sukoharjo