Senin, 20 Juli 2015

washlap praktis higienis - 085728065344 - wound dressing self adhesive absorbent pad

washlap praktis higienis

wound dressing self adhesive absorbent pad

Made of polyurethane film , soft , waterproof and breathable.
High absorbency of the non adhesive absorbent pad.
Good breath ability , waterproof , transparent and highly absorbent and help prevent bacterial infection
Non allergenic and does not cause mechanical irritation
Easy to remove

Available in:
[DCWD-WTP.520] 10 x 25 (5 x 20) 25 pcs/box
[DCWD-WTP.515] 10 x 20 (5 x 15) 50 pcs/box
[DCWD.WTP.57] 10 x 12 (5 x 7) 50 pcs/box

washlap praktis higienis - 085728065344 - wound dressing self adhesive absorbent pad
wound dressing DCWD.WTP57   10 x 12 5 x 7 50 pcsperbox  085728065344 docare keluargasehat

washlap praktis higienis - 085728065344 - wound dressing self adhesive absorbent pad
wound dressing DCWD-WTP 520 10 x 25 5 x 20  25 pcsperbox 085728065344 docare keluargasehat

washlap praktis higienis - 085728065344 - wound dressing self adhesive absorbent pad
wound dressing DCWD-WTP515 10 x 20 5 x 15  50 pcsperbox 085728065344 docare keluargasehat

Terbuat dari polyurethane film , soft , waterproof and breathable.
Transparan film dressing yang steril untuk perawatan luka lebar yang tahan air .
Dilengkapi dengan bantalan luka.
Tidak menyebabkan alergi dan iritasi
Mudah dilepas

Tersedia dalam:
[DCWD-WTP.520] 10 x 25 (5 x 20) 25 pcs/box
[DCWD-WTP.515] 10 x 20 (5 x 15) 50 pcs/box
[DCWD.WTP.57] 10 x 12 (5 x 7) 50 pcs/box


    Hubungi 085728065344
    Pin BB 2294514D
    Jl. Bokor Kencono no 24 Turi Cemani Grogol Sukoharjo